Chapter 1 Introduction
Welcome to LATINART: Landmark Trials In Nephrology And Renal Transplant. This is an attempt to list the landmark trials in nephrology and renal transplant.
1.1 Types of study
Studies are categorised as follows:
- = randomised controlled trial
- = meta-analysis of RCTs
- = observational study
- = physiological study (or other)
Truly landmark studies (one or two only in each chapter) are marked with stars: .
1.2 Other lists of ‘landmark’ trials
This is a subjective list. A more objective catalogue can be found in the 100 most-cited articles in nephrology.
It is also worth looking at the NephJC / RFN “top 10 stories” of…
(…and the article for 2016 has links for every year going back to 2010.)
1.3 Going deeper
This is merely a list. It is NOT an attempt to interpret or discuss the trials in any depth. There are several excellent open-access resources for this such as:
1.4 Recent trials: see Twitter feed
The renalRCTs twitter feed posts most new publications of RCTs in renal and transplant medicine. Papers of particular interest are flagged as “liked”: